Argumentative essay - violence caused by the media - pro and con + essay

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Pro: brutal, cruel, violent videogames, tv-shows, movies, magazines, news reports... it's said there have already been incidents because of the media children are easily influenced Con: * personal background (e.g. family, friends, etc.) * prerequisites at work (such as frustration, etc.) * deficits in one Oes personal character * society Oes circumstances and prerequisites (e.g. social environment, media) * the easy access to firearms * a high level of urbanity * a high level of poverty in city centres * and …

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…realize it if they're doing something which is against our rules of society. But the media will never influence a normal, educated person in a bad way. The main function of the media is to entertain people and I am sure nothing will stop TV showing brutal movies as long as only a small percentage of people gets influenced badly by it. ------------ suggestion for improvement: enlarge some of the arguments, go more in detail