Argument on drug testing

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
From workplace to school, from professional sports to the armed forces, the advent of drug-testing procedures has stirred debate and controversy. The issue of drug testing in athletics seems to be the most prevalent debate. An incident that really brought drug testing into the spotlight is the track and field event in the 1988 Summer World Olympic Games. The two competitors in the limelight were Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson, both excellent and very emulating runners …

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…then he/she should do well and win without the use of any drugs. In conclusion, one can partially understand why athletes use drugs to enhance his/her performance, due to the fact that any human being, not only athletes, will sometimes do whatever he/she has to do to be the best. One may not understand why some people are so ignorant to use drugs when he/she can risk everything, including their life.