Argument Paper on Military Spending

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Our current military spending is a mere 3.6 percent of the Gross Domestic Product; this percentage is down from 6 percent in the Regan administration and from 8.9 percent during the height of Vietnam war (Brown par 4). Loren Tompson, a defense analyst, once remarked, AIt takes a lot of inducements to get people to risk their lives for a living@ (qtd. in Sorrells par 14). Increased military spending is essential to keep our society thriving. More counter terrorism training …

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…has already been reduced by 70 percent (Kilian par 22). The defense of our nation covers everyone, not like the Aunderprivileged@ special programs that only cover a few individuals. Our nation=s Military Budget should be our top priority. We need extra funds to support more counter terrorism training. Additional funds should be provided to make up for the cuts the military has been taking. Money is more importantly needed for our troops and their weapons systems.