Argentina Today

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Argentina Today Introduction Argentina, officially recognized as the Argentine Republic, is a South American country with a capitol named Buenos Aires. Within Latin America, the country of Argentina is second in size next to Brazil and fourth in population behind Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia. This large land covers more than 1 million square miles (2.7 million square kilometers). It is located in the southern part of South America, just east of the Andes Mountains. It ranges from …

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…the population is Roman Catholic. The Jewish population, while only including about 2% of the people, is the largest of all Latin American countries and the fifth largest in the world. Although Spanish is the country's official language, many people speak Italian fluently. Argentina has one of South America's lowest population growth rates (1.1%) and takes pride in obtaining one of its highest literacy rates (96%). Education is required until students become 15, while the official attendance rate is 94%.