Arendt and feminist spheres

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt discusses three different spheres and how they are applied to public and private spheres. These definitions were constructed in the 50s and accordingly times have changed. Although Arendt frequently refers to the ancient world, not much has changed to the contemporary times. Arendt argues that the past has been destroyed by modernity Arendt grew up in a time of war and chaos in which she was not welcomed to …

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…to the same urgency of life. Natural community in the household therefore was born of necessity, and necessity ruled over all activities performed in it" (30). <Tab/>Arendt uses events and theories from the past and attempts to apply them to modernity. Arendt's descriptions of the three realms illustrate the changes in society. Although several centuries have passed since ancient Greece, some of the beliefs have not changed or have varied slightly.