Area of study (change). Essay on why area of study is still relevant for todays students. Reference to both (Novel)Maestro (Short storey) Sky High

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Essay Database > Literature
The Macquarie dictionary defines "change" as the process of being made different, altered in appearance, turned into something or someone else. Any student can find this out but still to grasp the actual truth about the value of change of perspective you need to get an in-depth look at sources that will be able to project the feelings, emotions, outcomes and circumstances that surround why we change, how we change and the effects of change. …

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…view of the world and the perspectives that we have either not faced or that we may never grasp. It prepares us for the changes of life that we will be facing and the general way of life. It broadens our minds and makes us more accepting of the world we are in and rhe way it works. The value of this can never be measured but instead kept as a valuable lesson towards life.