Area Study - Urban Regional Planning Critique: Toronto's Official Plan

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The purpose of my research on the City of Toronto's Official Plan is to critique Toronto's current planning process. The scope of my critique involves the examination of various social, livability, and quality of life issues. I will critically assess the arguments for and against amalgamation into Toronto's 'megacity', investigating any biases that may exist, and observing the effects on the aforementioned issues under a centralized metropolitan planning system. My objectives involve critiquing the establishment …

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…and compact city" (188) for its diverse, multicultural population. Most importantly, urban regional planning in Toronto must facilitate public participation and account for the diverse needs within communities, the City, and the region itself. If these criterions in planning for Toronto's future are met, with the principles of equity, sustainability, diversity, responsibility, and social inclusion entrenched in planners' decision-making processes, then Toronto will be well on its way towards the standard of 'a city that works'.