Are You Certified

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The impact of technology in our lives has grown exponentially over recent years. The demand for better, faster, more productive software and hardware equipment has increased the need for more experienced and better qualified IT (Information Technology) specialists. These IT professionals must possess a degree of knowledge and expertise that sets them apart from others in their field. One way industry has set the standard in recruiting such specialized individuals is certification. Certifications are offered …

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…tween $70k and $90k. More lofty salaries are possible, but they're uncommon for reseller MCSEs. The oldest certification, Novell's CNE, is worth the least. The salary figures range from $35,000 to $80,000 annually, with the bulk of middle-range employees at $50K or below. By and large, more Novell folks are in the $35K to $45K range than MCSEs. Indeed, these Windows NT resellers seem to be pulling in at least $5,000 more per year than their NetWare counterparts.