Are You A Man?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The traditional gender stereotype of masculine is referred to as being strong and robust. Typically males initiate power and demonstrate a strong exterior, while females are typically associated with internal emotions. The idea of manhood in Macbeth is tied to strength, power, physical courage, and force of will. Characters throughout the play use the idea of manhood to goad one another into action, manipulating the ideal of masculinity, to serve their own benefits. Macbeth initiates …

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…to justify power. To each character masculinity has a different meaning, to some it may only consist of the literal meaning, and to others the underlying theme. Masculinity is used as a sub-theme to show how each character progressed by the end of the play. To Macbeth, masculinity became a need rather than a gift, while Lady Macbeth gained masculinity in order to manipulate others, and Macduff matured by realizing masculinity comes within, not without.