Are UFOs Real or Not?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Are UFOs Real or Not? <Tab/> <Tab/>Are UFO's real or are they a myth?! UFOs are real because of all the pictures of UFOs, disappearances and also encounters many different people have had dealing with these Aliens and what pilots have seen in the air as they are flying. UFOs have been seen by Engineers and astronauts. One person is Dr. Richard Haines Dr. Haines is …

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…Clark,Jerome. Encyclopedia of Strange Happenings. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1995. Clark, Jerome. Encyclopedia of Strangle and Physical Phenomena. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1993. Condon, Edward U. "UFO unidentified flying objects." 2002. http.// 24 October 2004. Koss, Larry,ed. Could UFOs Be Real? Mankato: Capstone Press, Inc, 1991. Koss, Larry, ed. If UFOs Are Real. Mankato: Capstone Press, Inc, 1991. Warren, Frank. "Historic UFOs Flying Disc" Arnold Unhurt In Crash." 2001.