Are The Brachiopods And The Bryozoa Two Of The Most Abundant Species From The Ordovician Period?

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"The Ordovician Period is the second period of the Paleozoic Era" (Kazlev, 2002). The Brachiopoda and the Bryozoa are two of the most abundant species in the Ordovician Period. In order to understand this, an explanation of the results obtained in lab, the species history, and the examination of the species must be accomplished. This period experienced the origin and rapid evolutions of many new types of invertebrates (Kazlev, 2002) Two of the major invertebrates in the …

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…Ordovician/Ordovician.htm. Targeted audience would seem to be adults. Very good website with lots of information on the entire Ordovician period. McKinney, F. August 7, 1999. The Bryozoa. The targeted audience would be adults who are interested in the research of Bryozoans. I found this website to have a very good discussion on the Bryozoans. Pechenik, J. Biology of the Invertebrates. Fourth Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.