Are Texas Colonias a proble What should the state do about them.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Are Texas Colonias a problem? What should the state do about them? Colonias is originally a Spanish word meaning simply neighborhoods or areas of a city.In Spanglish, the mixed English-Spanish spoken in the parts of the U.S. near the Mexico border,colonias refers to the primarily Hispanic neighborhoods in cities like San Antonio,Texas. Since these neighborhoods are much less affluent than Anglo or mixed neighborhoods, the word connotes poverty and substandard housing. …

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…At the same time development of longer term strategies can begin to address the necessary upgrading of the infrastructure. Clearly, no single group, agency or governmental agency can adequately address all of the problems. Already some progress is being made to control the unchecked growth of colonias. Recent state legislation and vigorous enactment of regulations at the county level should serve to curb their growth. But this combination is the exception rather than the rule.