Are Societies Ills the Fault of Rock Music

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Rock has been blamed for many things in society such as rape, murder, and suicide. It's human nature to both need a reason for why something happens, and to pass the blame to someone and/or something else. In 1690's Salem, witches were blamed for all misfortune and innocents were hung. In 1930's and 1940's Germany, the Jewish faction of society was blamed for all that was wrong, and put to death. Now in the 1990…

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…the end this topic can have no conclusion, Regardless of how it's viewed or what's said about it. In a battle waged with opinion and fought on the soil of blame passing, the only question is how long can rock be blamed. Once society has found another scapegoat. Once it can look at all this madness in retrospect. Only then will we see the stupidity of blaming music for the actions of the mentally disturbed.