Are People More Emotional When Tired?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
The best way to approach this question would be to conduct an experimental study. Only this method would allow us to make statements about what makes something happen; statements about what factor influences another. Any nonexperimental method would not permit us to explain if whether people are more emotional when tired. A within subject design would be chosen to eliminate the differences between the two separate subject groups. Removing individual variance between subjects would greatly …

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…from the first trial for a control reading to the data from the second, sleep deprived trial. This study is limited to the effects of tiredness on emotions caused by sleep deprivation. It is very much possible to have a different outcome if the participants were shown the slideshow after performing a physically challenging task. One could also use other tools to measure emotions, such as an Electroencephalogram or Electromyograph, which could yield different results.