Architecture in the Middle Ages

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Pages: 13
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Introduction: The "Middle Ages" were considered a very turbulent period of time in the world's history. Civilizations were born and destroyed within these turbulent times. It was, however, a period that saw the beginning of great architectural developments. It was a time of learning and building. Some of the greatest architectural structures in the world were constructed during this time. Many of those structures are still standing today as a tribute to the abilities of …

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…Workshop/5220/middle/romanesq.html Ross, D. 2003. English Architecture. Retrieved February 11, 2004, from: Salingaros, N. The Laws of Architecture. Available online at The End of Europe's Middle Ages: Visual Arts. University of Calgary. Retrieved February 18, 2004, from The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Romanesque Architecture and Art. Found online at