Archetype Paper-Loyal Retainers Made Heroes compared between Beowulf, The Lord of the Rings, and current leaders in today's society

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
"The best servant does his work unseen," stated by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. in The Poet at the Breakfast Table, strongly epitomizes the significance of people that transcends in their roles as being a servant to assist in another's greater cause. Their heroism usually goes unnoticed until the greatest times of need, and their role becomes the defining moment of a great victory. Through all facets of literature, film, life and its experiences, archetypes of …

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…the heroes. With all these archetypes of loyal retainers seen through different literary pieces, films, and current events, they all portray a similar characteristic in that the bravery and loyalty towards the hero in the greatest time of need is true heroism. Earl Benjamin once said, "to believe in the heroic makes heroes," and as seen through such examples, all of these loyal retainers in the different examples become what we call a real hero.