Araby by James Joyce

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Araby, it's overall theme is the boy's realization of his fall from grace. Within the story Joyce foreshadows this epiphany by using phrases such as "feeling I was about to slip..", in reference to his praying, or when approaching the booth at the bazaar he "listened to the fall of the coins". In general, the word "fall", or words of a similar definition appear five times throughout the story. After the boy's uncle finally returns …

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…tone of a story may communicate amusement, anger, affection, sorrow, contempt. It implies the feelings of the author, so far as we can sense them. Those feelings may be similar to the feelings expressed by the narrator of the story, but sometimes they may be dissimilar, even sharply opposed. The characters in a story may be regarded even as sad, but we sense that the author regards it as funny. Consider "Araby" by James Joyce.