Araby by James Joyce

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Many people can relate intuitively to James Joyce's Araby in one way or another. We all have had some incident in our lives where we wanted something so badly, but so many things ended going wrong that it was incapable for us to get it. As Ms. Leah Conner asserts, "the story's ends with an epiphany". Webster defines epiphany as a sudden intuitive leap of perceptiveness, especially through an ordinary but striking occurrence. This very …

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…completely unexpected on his part because it was his first time actually experiencing feelings outside of the norm. Especially, feeling "anguish and anger", outcome of experiencing other emotions such as love, despair, severe disappointment from what he thought the world was like to what it turned out to be. The disillusion of love gets accepted, and in the end he realizes that the "love" he felt was not only one-sided, it was also extremely painful.