Arabian tale extended

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"Scheherazade, tonight you promise to tell the story, the tale of the story teller", spoke the king. "I must hear this story, but this will be the last one, tell me, is it better then Ali Baba and the forty thieves?" "That I cannot say", she replied, "the stories worth is up to you". "Then get on with the story" the king irate king replied, "you are testing my patience, I want to here the …

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…the raiders fought, the slaves escaped, his thoughts came alive running wildly through the sand. After that day every word Maddah wrote, every story he told would come alive. "Tell me more Scheherazade, what happened, to Maddah, how was his curse discovered", pleaded the king. Scheherazade gazed out the window at the dawn breaking through the dark veil covering the sky. "But it's morning, I will finish the story tomorrow night, just one more night."