ArabIsraeli wars

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Rabinnovich article titled 'Seven Wars and a Peace Treaty',gives a chronological background of wars made between Arabs and Israeli's after the birth of Israeli state. I: First War;1948-1949 The Israeli's reffered this war as the war of Independence.It had two distinct phases.It first begun in 1947 after UN resolution on the partition of Palestine.The resolution was accepted by the Jewish community,but Arabs rejected.The result was a civil war.…

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…started because of the fact that PLO' headquarter had to move from Lebanon these people mobilized the Wests Bankers and Gazzans. Syrian- Israeli was a bit reduced;but Syria still had the Soviet support.Till the end of 1980's relations continued with an expecation of a new war. Bibliography Rabinnovich article titled 'Seven Wars and a Peace Treaty',gives a chronological background of wars made between Arabs and Israeli's after the birth of Israeli state.