Arab minorities in America

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Essay Database > History
The Arab and Muslim minority in the United States seems to be a bit neglected by scholars. Even basic statistical data concerning the number of them living in America is hard to obtain. If we tried to find out how many Arab-Americans live in the United States nowadays, the numbers would vary from 2 to 6 millions. The atmosphere of mystery and neglect has changed significantly since September 11, yet much information about this particular group is still …

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…his opinion America managed to handle the situtation well. Also, contrary to common beliefs, President Bush enjoyed the support of 69 percent of all Arab-Americans when he declared war against terrorism. Arab-Americans remain a somewhat mysterious group among the many ethnic minorities living in America. The events of September 11, however tragic and dangerous, provide hope that this group will receive more attention from sociologists, and perhaps some of the misunderstandings and misconceptions will be cleared up.