Appropriation: Heart of Darkness- Apocalypse Now

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Essay Database > Literature
<Tab/>When Joseph Conrad set out to write his novella about the physical and psychological experiences traveling to the heart of the African continent in "Heart of Darkness", he never would have imagined that some eighty years latter, a young Francis Ford Coppola would set the cinematic world on fire. His appropriation of Conrad's text, whilst fundamentally similar, would take on a completely new form, as an expose into the madness …

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…of symbolic images, gestures, actions and phrases say more than hours of dialogue and the direction of the acting is perfect.<Tab/> "Heart of Darkness", is a brilliant novella on its own, but when viewed in conjunction with "Apocalypse Now", an even more rich and detailed tapestry emerges from the darkness. Let the analysis fade away like old, yellow newsprint. In its place will stand a triumph of literature and film.