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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
At the beginning of the novel, Joan Lindsay reveals Mrs. Appleyard as an Experience woman, strong mined, respectable, reliable, seen to have control of everything, etc. She had all it was expected to be a English Headmistress. Thought the novel we can see that Mrs. Appleyard changes drastically (physical and emotional deterioration)-character development-, this is caused because of the mysterious happenings at hanging rock. The consequences of this event causes the college to loss …

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…life make her unfeeling, unaffected, distant, etc . She drunk whiskey to try to forget for a while of all the problems she had. As I sad this character suffered many changes. Mrs. Appleyard at the end of chapter 14 is pail old woman, depressed, had lose all control she had over the school, financially in a bankrupted. Her state of mind had change drastically she was almost insane. She couldn't with all the problems she had.