Appealing ads of Heineken beer

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
I saw this ad 5/11/03 on TNN during the races. Imagine that you are sitting on your front porch on a sunny summer afternoon and you ask for a nice cold beer. Then out of the blue your friend rifles a nice big keg of beer at you, which in turn knocks you backward off of the porch. Here's another image to comtemplate. A man tries to force a refrigerator door shut. When he finally thinks …

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…actual use of these and make a pitch for humor it effectively pulls in consumers. Also they show that besides being an expensive imported beer, Heineken can be a fun party beer for the regular guy just like Budweiser or Coors. So next time that you see a humorous ad take a deeper look into the ad and see if maybe the company or the producers of the commercial have tricked you into a purchase.