Apparent Mental Illness in A S

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the time that Tennessee Williams' Streetcar Named Desire transpires, depression is not recognized as a valid mental illness. People that were depressed, or suffered from various other chemical imbalances were called crazy and carted off to insane asylums by friendly strangers. Depression is now recognized as a valid mental illness worldwide, for the most part in countries that are developed. While poor countries suffer from ill physical health, struggling with meningitis and malaria, people …

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…diagnoseses. They are growing. Many characters in A Streetcar Named Desire were affected by these ailments, but only one was even dealt with, and when she was it was in a brutal manner. The future will bring change and progress. We have so many cures and vaccines for the germs and viruses that once plagued mankind, but clearly with these problems conquered, room has been left room open for a new enemy to move in.