Apocolypse Now

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The Beginning of the End Many film critics and movie goers alike say that Apocalypse Now is one of the best movies ever made due to its originality and trend-setting approach to cinema. The viewer, in the very first scene of this Francis Ford Coppola sensation, can see this. As most movies begin, the viewer is generally introduced to the cast and the production team that was involved in the film by way of credits …

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…the reader sense the intense pondering and seriousness of the situation accentuated by the passing of the fan blades and concerned look of the Lieutenant as he just lies and stares into the fan above. This particular scene ends by the fading out of the fan and the up-close face of the Lieutenant. As the next scene begins the jungle that was once the background becomes now the foreground and the music continues to play.