"Apocalypse Now".

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
How Dark is Apocalypse Now? Joseph Conrad's book, Heart of Darkness impacted many people by exposing the dark side of man. For the first time, the readers are shown what war can really do to a man and how he can be reduced to his basic and primal instincts. The modern movie Apocalypse Now portrays Conrad's ideas accurately allowing others who have not read Heart of Darkness to get the same basic ideas and principles. …

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…only one to follow Kurtz. Many tribes of natives adore Kurtz and obey his every command. This is another similarity between the movie and the book. Kurtz is a good speaker and is very convincing. He is a strong leader, and appears to become a god of the people. Dead bodies litter the area leaving the foul stench of death around his camp. Heads are placed on sticks and displayed to greatly discourage any opposition.