Apocalypse Now: The Evil of War-

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
When soldiers prepare to go off to war, many of us envision the parades that are held in honor of their bravery and loyalty to their country. The mood seems very encouraging with the positive mindset that everything is going to turn out right and that they will all come home as confident as they were the day they left. That is not realistic at all. It is good to be positive about winning a …

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…evil comes in to the equation. Willard and Kurtz both encountered that evilness, which caused them to have to deal with it. The way each one of them dealt with it, however, was what made them different. One decided to hide within the evil while self-destructing at the same time. The other was determined to gain understanding while fighting his inner conflicts. It just goes to show that bravery and loyalty only go so far.