Apocalypse Now Review

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Apocalypse Now Review Vietnam was a war fought by the unwillingly, for the ungrateful, led by the unqualified. Apocalypse Now is Coppola?s film based on Heart of Darkness, but set in the Vietnam jungle. The major theme in the novel is the examination of America?s involvement, militarily, in Vietnam. However, like Conrad?s novel, it also shows the potential inherent darkness in all human hearts. Coppola retains the basic structure of Conrad?s …

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…did a fine job of critiquing the way in which the war was run, with no real objective or purpose being apparent. The choice of Coppola to base his outline structure on Conrad?s book, is ingenious. The darkness that was relevant in the 20th century is still relevant today. Coppola shows this through Kurtz and the Vietnam veterans who suffered so many mental problems and the darkness that came out of them in Vietnam.