Apocalypse Now

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
I have always enjoyed movies. But at some point I started to think of movies as more than just entertainment. I began to view them as a movie critic would, rather than just a casual viewer. Because of this perspective, I think of "Apocalypse Now" as one of the best American made movies I have ever seen. As a student of and an active participant in the late twentieth century media age, I feel justified …

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…is defined by the depth of its meaning. It is this type of analysis which I find exciting. In my studies, as well as with many of my interests, I always enjoy looking deeper into the meaning of the material being presented. I want to understand all of what the author, or film maker, or artist is trying to communicate. "Apocalypse Now" is such an excellent movie, it gives me just that kind of opportunity.