Anzac Tradition

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Essay Database > History
Anzac Tradition. In 1914 world war 1 broke out and ended in 1918. During this time the government formed the Australian Imperial Force ( AIF ) at no stage was Oz directly threatened by war the troops of the AIF were sent to fight overseas and were joined by New Zealand troops. The combined troops became known as the ANZACs which stood for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Many women joined the Australian Army Nursing Service. Many women and …

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…dawn services and other commemorative events and to celebrate the freedoms they have won for us. Let us hope too, that they will never forget what Australians endured and achieved in France and Belgium, the Middle east, New Guinea and the Islands, Malaya, Borneo, Indonesia, Korea and Vietnam. Let us hope that they will reflect on the futility and horror of war and vow each ANZAC Day that there should be no more of it.