Anyalization of Pearl from the "Scarlet Letter"

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Essay Database > Literature
One of the most significant writers of the romantic period in American literature was Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne wrote stories that opposed the ideas of Transcendentalism. Since he had ancestors of Puritan belief, Hawthorne wrote many stories about Puritan New England. His most famous story is the Scarlet Letter. This novel tells of the punishment of a woman, Hester Prynne, who committed adultery and gave birth to Pearl. A minister of Boston, Arthur Dimmesdale, had an …

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…expresses a sign of a child prodigy with a good parent teacher. Pearl's behavior could also mean that she feels rebellious to all of the hardships that she acquires from society. Finally, Pearl compares with a real child in that she constantly tries throughout the novel to find out what takes place around her. Overall, Nathaniel Hawthorne developed Pearl successfully and made her one of the most significant and memorable characters in the Scarlet Letter.