Anxiety Attack / Of Desperation and Demise / A Better Place

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Anxiety Attack (Eric Dick) I am lost in a condescending night where there is nothing I can do to prevent a sudden anger to arise. Will I be sole for deceit of me? To when you know things aren't going to work out anymore. Remember your last chance and don't hold back - don't give in all you can, from an anxiety attack, or you will be your sole deceit. Of Desperation and Demise (Eric …

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…constant waves. How can I stand where I am any longer when there is a constant flow trying to drag me further under? <Tab/> Days linger and vices become virtues with constant habits of unkempt. The mind begins to wonder unto a better place away from this wasteland of concrete. How can I stand where I am any longer when there is a constant flow trying to drag me further under?