Anwar Sadat, The assassination of the Egyptian President

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
The Assassination of Anwar Sadat Throughout public life, there was the killing, usually for political reasons, of public figures. Such murders were called assassinations. In the 11th century, a man named Hasan Sabbah founded a secret order of Muslims in Persia in about 1090. There, from the Islamic world, the adoption of assassination as a political weapon was derived. Hasan gained control of a fortress, developed a sect for political protection, and the secret organization terrorized …

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…from King Farouk I in 1952. Sadat held high positions in the new government, including chairman of the National Assembly and vice-president. In 1970, Sadat was elected president. During his time, he shared the Nobel peace prize with Menachem Begin, in 1978. He signed a peace treaty with Israel on March 26, 1979. But regardless, because of failing economy and opposition to the peace treaty, Sadat faced increasing domestic turmoil. He was assassinated by Muslim fundamentalists in Cairo on Oct. 6, 1981.