Antonio's Deam Analysis for "Bless Me Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Dream One: "The Rebirth of Antonio" In Antonio's first dream, his mind goes back to the past and he sees his own birth. There is a fight between his mother's side of the family and his father's, where they both have different plans for the young baby, and they both have different rituals that follow the birth. A fight comes about between the two sides, and it is only resolved through Ultima and her peace. …

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…water. Antonio does not know what is left and cries "the magic of Ultima! ". But now Florence points to where Tenorio has murdered Ultima's owl and Ultima has died in pain. The three figures tell Antonio that they live only in his dreams. Again Antonio has seen the future, he has seen Ultima's death. He has witnessed the death of two religions and he is left only with three ghosts who appear in his dreams.