Antonio Sacre, a famous writer and story teller's ideas of American culture.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Antonio Sacre - Latino Culture <Tab/>The Cuba-Irish-American who came to tell enthusiastic stories of cultural differences between Latinos and Americans, Antonio Sacre possess an opinion people across America are privileged to hear, including myself. Sacre's ability to reach out to the audience and draw them in with his bi-lingo drama techniques makes all his short stories exciting. Through these inspirational stories, one can see the cultural differences immediately. The differences …

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…the end of the date, from both the aunt and the girl. <Tab/>As one can see, Antonio Sacre reads stories filled with Latino culture. Sacre is only one of twenty bi-lingo storytellers in the Nation. Sacre's short stories develop Latino celebrations, nutrition, and relationships extremely well. The stories also give some similarities between Latinos and Americans. All in all Antonio Sacre is an excellent writer, but an even better storyteller.