Antigony, Julius Caesar, and Enemy of the people Comparison

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Have you ever wondered why characters who seemed so selfless at first are the first to rise once the something falls? It's almost as if they saw it coming and stayed to the side to look good. Well, Sophocles, Shakespeare, and Ibsen, all used the convention rise from a downfall in their writings. Characters such as Peter Stockmann, Thomas Stockmann, Creon, Julius Caesar, Antony, and Brutus, as portrayed in An Enemy Of The People, Julius …

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…make Brutus out to be a fool without directly disobeying him. It is interesting how the order of power changes rapidly. Caesar gains power from Pompey, Brutus gains power from Caesar, and Antony gained power from Brutus. It is interesting that three playwrights, from three different times, and three different places all used the same idea, Rise at the expense of another. All of the character are torn apart because of there hunger for power.