Antigone Study Guide.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Chorus: made up of about 15 elders of Thebes, 15 people who chant narrative odes Choragos: leader of the chorus Parados: first ode, or choral song in a greek tragedy changed by the chorus as it enters the area in front of the stage Ode: each scene is followed by an ode. These odes served both to seperate one scence from the next and also to provide the chorus's response to the previous scene, interlude in greek …

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…grasp no longer hurts. Creon releases her. He knows his reign makes him loathsome but he has no choice. Antigone rejoins that he should have said no; she can say no to anything she thinks vile. While ruined, she is a queen. Because Creon said yes, he can only sentence her to death. Creon asks her to pity him then and live. Antigone replies that she is not here to understand, only to say no