Antigone, A Tragic Hero In Literature.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Antigone A Tragic Hero In Literature In the short ancient Greek play entitled, Antigone by Sophocles the reader is introduced to many basic themes and most significantly the prime example of a "tragic hero" in literature, which is exceptionally well incorporated into Sophocles' Antigone. Upon reading this play I personally perceived Antigone to produce all of the characteristics of a tragic hero. First off, it is very obvious that Antigone is a highly respected character …

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…But the magnitude of her actions can only be viewed when set against the background of the time period. A strong woman was unheard of in ancient Greece. But the interpretation that Antigone was justified in her actions and that she acted on the side of divinity can help to picture the text and the culture that produced Antigone. Works Cited Responding To World Literature. Ed. Hynes-Berry and Miller. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal, Littell & Company, 1992.