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Essay Database > Literature > English
Shane Combs Combs 1 English III. Pd 7 Mrs. Mallonee Word Count: 1,256 December 4th, 2000 Two Peas in a Pod The play Antigone by Sophocles takes place in ancient Thebes. Two brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, fight for the throne. In the final battle the two brothers slay each other and their uncle Creon becomes king. Eteocles had supported Thebes in the battle, so the new king Creon proclaimed that Eteocles would be buried with full rites as a …

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…Tireseas was 100% good or evil. They were both doing what they thought was right. This is a very prominent theme because good and evil can often be misconstrued. Also, while this may not have been important in ancient times, the treatment of women in society is a very significant factor in this play. Through Creon and Tireseas these themes are exposed and we are forced to analyze are views between right and wrong. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**