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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
In the tradition of all great Greek tragedies, Sophocles created a masterpiece when he wrote the play Antigone. The play contains a similar plot to a tragedy such as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet because the play focuses on what lengths people go to when they cannot be with the ones they love. The play begins on a down note because the main character, Antigone, and her sister Ismene are the daughters of the exiled Oedipus …

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…to back down once they have taken a stand. This is a trait despised by the gods. Another important theme is the position of women. Antigone's rebellion is threatening because women were not allowed to question authority in that society. This is one of my favorite plays I have ever read. I actually read this play in high school and remembered enjoying it. This prompted me to reread the play especially after reading Oedipus Rex.