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Essay Database > Literature > English
Literary historians believe that the idea of the tragic hero probably originated with Sophocles, a classical greek dramatist; although the greeks never actually used the term "tragic hero" (Knox, 1-2).Antigone, written by Sophocles, represents a challenge to traditional views of a tragic hero. Because its protagonist is a woman. This is surprising for a sexist era. This essay will examine the character of antigone as a "tragic hero". It will show that neither gender …

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…wants to bury her brother then there is no logic in her making a public spectacle of it and inviting the attention of the authorities. (Waldock, 110). It appears that Antigone is more interested in making her actions known or confronting the living that honoring her dead brother. Not surprisingly, Antigone's action's lead to a general, and unnecessary, slaughter in the play. Even her critical supporters admit that "it is a wasteful vengeance she unleashes" (Waldock, 110).