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Essay Database > History
Creon is an ideal tragic hero in this story. He has every characteristic that is observed by Aristotle in The Poetics. Creon's hybris, or his pride, causes him to violate the laws of the gods, which is reason for several tragic things that happen. Creon is of high station by being the head of his class, the King. Being a new King, he will not let anyone prove him wrong nor change his mind. Although …

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…He is overwhelmed deeply by all of this. The tragic hero must be of high station. The hero must be brought down because of fate or error in judgement. He must have a scence of deep suffering. He should have a scene of reversal or recognition and is totally overwhelmed. These are all things described in The Poetics by Aristotle. Creon has all of these characteristics. He is therefore a perfect tragic hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**