Anticpation is about 9-11 a creative writing piece about a firefighters strugle to survive. short story

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Today was just like every other day. I stared at my wife Ashley's picture in my fire locker and at are two-year-old son, Jeff had just learned to walk and was just starting to talk. He would mumble words but it was still impressive. I kissed each picture as a daily routine. I didn't have a lot of time to spend with the two of them. The time I did spend was always precious and …

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…home and talk to my wife and son." I said. "Lets get a beer," he said. I couldn't work anymore. I was done I could barley walk every foot seemed as thought it would be my last. My day had been great I saved a lot of people. I was finally a hero what a great day as I was walking toward a place to "AHHHHH" yelled, the man. Falling fast in my direction Thud.