Anti-fluoridationists flush preventative dental health

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A while back, it was proposed to our city council to put fluoride in our drinking water. After the council was not able to come to a decision, it came to the attention of our city in the form of a bond vote. Now, nearly 7 months later, we have come to a decision. Fluoridation in the water supply would not happen because of the over-cautious, over-exaggeration Arkansas-side. Fluoride in the water should have been passed …

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…t cost much to implement and can be felt from the rich to poor neighborhoods. It has been proved that the type of fluoride that was to be set for Texarkana stregenghts teeth to prevent cavities, it puts special minerals that are designed to prevent certain disorders in children, and provides free dental care for everyone. Flouridation is an issue that should have been passed the first time around and should not take another get-go.