Anti-Social Personality Diagnosis

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There is one individual who comes to mind when I hear anti-personality disorder and that is an individual who I went to school with. This individual has been in trouble with the law since he was 13 years old. He has been arrested for burglary, assault, and numerous times for disturbing the peace. These continuing run in with the law are symptoms of the pervasive disregard and violation of the rights of others. In school he …

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…disorder, which he never experienced, were paranoid ideation or sever dissociative symptoms. Or at least I never observed them personally. He also was never made suicide threats of self mutilated his body. He does meet the symptom of inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger. Although he does meet some of the criterion for other personality disorders I would say that I see the greatest connection with the diagnosis of anti-social personality disorder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**