Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Almost immediately following his rise to power, Adolf Hitler began the creation of his concentration camps. His primary step towards the Holocaust was the creation of the "T-4" program. The T-4 program, also known as the Reich Work Group of Sanitariums and Nursing Homes, was created for the medical killing of mental and physical defectives. It operated from the Berlin Chancellery, at Tiergartenstrasse 4, giving it the "T-4" code name. The program was rationalized as the …

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…by Hitler and the Nazi regime were the direct causes of the murder of nearly two thirds of the European Jewish population. Most were killed for no other reason than being Jewish. By channeling the German people's anger, Hitler was able to use it on the Jews. With Hitler's goal of World Domination, the Nazi regime was able to use World War II as a cover up for committing the greatest crime in human history.