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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Anti-Heroes <Tab/>Heroes are not always tragic heroes. Sometimes they are tragic heroes and other times they are anti-heroes. Aristotle's theory says, "the tragic hero will most effectively evoke both our pity and our terror." Aristotle's theory might work with some tragic heroes but it does not work with Hamlet in Hamlet by Shakespeare and Robert Ross in The Wars by Timothy Findley. Hamlet and Robert are not tragic heroes. Rather, …

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…even though Robert Ross and Hamlet are heroes, they are not tragic heroes. Their actions, sins mistakes, curiosity, guilt anger and revenge diverted them from becoming tragic heroes to anti-heroes. Tragedies did take place in their lives, but because they took place does not make them tragic heroes. Bibliography Findley, Timothy. The Wars. Penguin Books Ltd. Toronto, Canada. 1977 Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Longman Canada Limited, Toronto. 1963. Hamlet. [online] Available, 1998