Anti-German Hysteria

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Essay Database > Literature
World War One's geopolitical significance is seen as the realignment of political powers in Europe and the emergence of America as a world power. Closer to the American home front were the seismic cultural and social shifts spawned by the Nativist tendencies. Nativism is the supposedly patriotic fervor leads inhabitants of longer standing to discrimination against newly arrived immigrants. Conflicts between these two groups dealt with issues including religion, traditions, jobs, language, and educational philosophies. …

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…by German culture. However due to the unjust and unsolicited acts of hatred committed against the Germans during the anti-German hysteria of WWI this proud culture would be dealt a heavy blow. The common view is that the German establishments and way of life were squashed or severely hindered by these Nativist attacks. The actual truth is that they were not; they were only, in fact, changed. They had only put on a new face.