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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Anthropologists trace the origin and evolutionary development of the human race through the study of changing physical characteristics and cultural and social institutions. Anthropological data, including that acquired by archeological techniques, may be applied to solving problems in human relations such as race and ethnic relations and education. People have always been interested in their past history. Although anthropology dates back to Aristotle, it is a commonly accepted fact that it became an established science …

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…of Asia. Physical anthropologists are concerned primarily with the biology of human groups. They study the differences between the members of past and present human societies and are particularly interested in the geographical distribution of human physical characteristics. Bibliography Works Cited Cover, Lois. Anthropology For Our Times. New York: Oxford Book Company, 1971. Hopke, William. The Encyclopedia of Careers. Illinois: J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company, 1984. Grolier Encyclopedia. Computer software. Grolier Electronic Publications, Inc., 1993. IBM, 128k, CD-ROM.